Wednesday, July 25, 2007


The newest buzzword around my church is "conversation". I am constantly hearing, "why don't you join the "conversation"? Your input is valuable." Honestly, I don't really get this "conversation" stuff, but I'll play along. It seems like every time I turn around, someone is inviting me to Starbucks to have a "conversation" about something they heard me say. Oddly, it's always Starbucks. Personally, I think it's a conspiracy. I think the marketing department at Starbucks has sent to my church marketing moles. That is why from today forward, I vow to only join the "conversation" if it is at Jamba Juice.


Anonymous said...

i'm going to start that too...jamba juice only!

Megan Ritter said...

PLEASE GO VOTE for Mike Huckabee in the FreedomWorks online straw poll from now through Thursday, August 2nd.

Also, please publicize this any way you can, pass on the link to as many people and blogs supporting Mike as you possibly can!